At VIA MODA we are committed to the environment that surrounds us, committed to people, and committed to the durability of our pieces.
For this reason, in summer 2019, winter 2019 and also winter 2022, we base our fashion campaigns under the slogans #BEPARTOFTHECHANGE and #VIAMODASLOWFASHION with sustainability initiatives that will generate environmental awareness:
But we did not want to stop here, “we are not only fashion, we are attitude”, and we pursued implementing a series of actions within the company to minimize our environmental impact as far as possible.
The traditional lighting of the stores is being replaced by LED technology and the switching on and closing times of all the lights in our stores have been adjusted (coinciding with the opening of the store and one hour after closing), thus achieving , that our stores are more eco-efficient and generate greater energy savings.
We are gradually incorporating electric motorcycles into our fleet of vehicles, which help transfer items ordered by our customers between different stores, improving the eco-efficiency caused by these short but numerous trips.
Reduce. We work to minimize the generation of waste, as we are already doing, for example with plastic.
Re-use. There are materials with a specific purpose but which, later, can take on a life without the need for transformation. Or the cardboard boxes from suppliers that are used from the logistics platform to ship products to the store. Or, for example, the items of clothing that we give a second life, thanks to an agreement with Càritas Andorrana to collect unused clothing, through the provision of various containers in our main stores. Alarms and hangers are put back into circulation until the end of their useful life.
Recycle. The company’s waste is separated and destined for recycling or another method of environmental waste management, at our Central Offices, in the Central Warehouse and in stores.
We pay special attention to the raw materials used to make corporate elements, for example, the gift voucher wrapping folder that we make available to the client, is made with paper from sustainable sources and many other corporate elements.
100% recycled and recyclable paper bags. Starting in 2019, we eliminated plastic bags for 100% recycled paper bags, water-based inks, and FSC and PEFC certified, which certify that the cardboard we use comes from sustainably and responsibly managed forests.
Digital customer card, 0% plastic 100% sustainable. The digital customer card completely eliminates the use of plastic and offers a 100% eco-friendly solution. This allows customers to access all benefits and services without the need for a physical card, making it easier to use and also contributing to the elimination of PVC used in the manufacturing of conventional cards.
Our own suppliers provide us with the information and composition of each of the articles, establishing which of their articles are recycled, made with sustainable materials or made with a non-polluting process.
We are committed to a fashion where many of our pieces are made with organic cotton, recycled fabrics and with certificates that accredit their sustainability.